School Closing Information

  • Should inclement weather or other emergency situation(s) require the District to close school(s) or delay the start time, the following procedures shall be followed:

    • Automated calls will be placed to student families beginning as soon as practical using the District’s emergency notification system Blackboard Connect.
    • Local television and radio stations listed below will also be notified as soon as practical.  Please check the following if you do not receive a phone call.

    Please refrain from calling the school offices or the stations directly to inquire about closings. Information will be reported as soon as possible via the stations listed above. Additional calls will only tie up the phone lines. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • We appreciate your understanding of the difficulties in making this decision, and your support in helping your child get to school safely on winter days. For every family that is happy school is in session on days when the weather is bad, there is another family that feels schools should be closed.  The decision to open or close schools during inclement weather brings out some of the strongest community reactions — no matter which way we go.